Trench Composting

Organizations that are going to compost small amounts of wasted food can compost trench. Composting can significantly reduce the amount of wasted food that is thrown away. Yard trimmings and small quantities of food scraps can be composted trench. Animal products and large quantities of food scraps are not appropriate for trench composting.

Things to Think About
The climate and seasons changes will not have a big effect on trench composting. Small adjustments can be made when changes happen such as when the rainy season approaches.
  • Food scraps need to be handled properly so they dont cause odors or attract unwanted insects or animals.
  • trench composting takes very little time or equipment. Education is the key. Local communities might hold composting demonstrations and seminars to encourage homeowners or businesses to compost on their own properties.
  • Creating compost can take up to two years, but manual turning can speed up the process to between three to six months.
  • Compost, however, should not be used as potting soil for houseplants because of the presence of weed and grass seeds.
  • You can leave grass clippings on the lawn-known as grasscycling.These cuttings will decompose naturally and return some nutrients back to the soil, similar to composting.
  • You can put leaves aside and use them as mulch around trees and scrubs to retain moisture.


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